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Feasibility study on index-based insurance for cotton producers -- PlaNet Guarantee

About the Project

Project Name: Feasibility study on index-based insurance for cotton producers -- PlaNet Guarantee
Type of Facility Project: Microinsurance innovation grantee
Country of Operation: Mali
Region: Africa
Sub Topics: Demand, Agriculture

Organizational Overview

PlaNet Guarantee (PG), created in 2007, is a subsidiary of the PlaNet Finance Group dedicated to the promotion and development of microinsurance systems. PG is an insurance and reinsurance broker that offers innovative products responding to the needs and the financial capacities of microentrepreneurs and their families. It has access, through PlaNet Finance, to a network of 315 MFIs and currently covers more than 100 000 microentrepreneurs in Egypt, Cameroun, Senegal, Sri Lanka, and Madagascar.


Project Description

Western African countries are exposed to different kinds of weather hazards that dramatically affect crops. In case of a drought or flooding, low-income farmers lose a considerable part of their income. The project proposes to protect cotton farmers, their assets, and their crops by building up an insurance programme based on a weather index. The Feasibility Study has five specific objectives to support the design and implementation of the scheme: Assess the possibility to build a weather ind...READ MORE


The target group is the cotton growers of Mali who will have a tool to protect themselves against the consequences of a natural disaster event.


Learning Agenda

  • What is a cost-effective methodology to conduct a feasibility study on index insurance?
  • How to develop index insurance and what is the role of the broker?